Website Design Profile

Fyber Web Graphics was created and has grown as a Virginia based corporation which combined the skills and successes of the areas top IT Professionals. Under the leadership of Owner , web & graphics designer,  each professional has been handpicked to fit into the Fyber Web Graphics business model. With the skill sets possessed, a unique company experience has grown.

Fyber Web Graphics is the exact model of what an IT consulting firm should be. The mixture of talent from all fields, ranging from 3D graphic development, network engineering, computer programming, and web design, Fyber Web Graphics has the skill set to surpass the competition.

The time of static, dull advertising is gone. It is now time to take advantage of the new world way of spreading information about your business. Through the many outlets and skill sets that Fyber Web Graphics brings to the table, it is time to bring your advertising needs to the new world. Fyber Web Graphics offers every one of our clients an experienced team who is dedicated to their work and promises the best end result.

With a great team of professionals, Fyber Web Graphics is available to offer the following services.

Creative Services:

3D Design and Animation, Print Design and Layout, Illustrations, Transit Advertising, Promotional Items, Public Relations, Advertising, Video Shooting, Video Editing, Corporate Video, Interactive CDs, Custom Photography, Branding, Logos, Receipt Books, Banner, Posters, Stickers, Cards,

Computer Programming Services:

Website Development, Database Integration, Online Payment Services, Content Management Services, Software Development, E-Commerce Solutions, Database Marketing, Search Engine Optimization

IT Services:

Remote Backup Services, Network Integration, Network Security, Computer repair and support, Hardware/Software purchasing, Application Hosting, Website Hosting, Infrastructure Development, Content Management.

Management Services and Consulting:

Advertising, Content and Image research, Licensing, Planning, Sales Promotion, Market Research, Network Consulting, General Business Consulting.

At Fyber Web Graphics, we believe that the best relationships are those that are bonded over hard work and honest communication. Since Fyber Web Graphics has been in business, we have made a name for ourselves through the relationships we have forged with our customers. We have development successful projects for a large number of clients such as: Schools and Organizations

When thinking about having a website created for your company there are many aspects to think about.  Here at Fyber Web Graphics, We understand that and are here to help your decision process more fluid. When a contract is signed and the client is ready to have their website started, Fyber Web Graphics will have a one on one meeting with the client to discuss all of the website needs. A graphic designer will be present to discuss any and all layout options and ideas. Once a general layout is agreed upon, Fyber Web Graphics will generate a Content Management System for the client. This Content Management System will allow the client to have a secure log-in to their website where they can generate any text needed for the website. This process is much like editing content on popular social networking sites such as MySpace and facebook. Once the content management system is in place, the developer will apply the design layout to the website and make sure that all of the functionality is completed. Once the functionality is complete, the website will go under a rigorous error trapping test to make sure that all bugs are removed from the website. Once the client has looked over the entire site and given the ok to launch the website, Fyber Web Graphics will launch the website and host it in their data warehouse. Once the website is launched the Search Engine Optimization phase will be started. This process consists of XML Sitemaps to be submitted to Google and Yahoo as well as valid coding practices and markup. During the creation process valid coding will be used to ensure the website is search engine friendly. The user will have complete control over Meta information to ensure up to date keywords and company descriptions.

When the project is complete, Fyber Web Graphics will have successfully implemented a new web Site for the client. Benefits will include a new web presence located at the available domain of your choice. The site will contain a full content management system to give the client complete control over the website and its content.  The website will be hosted on Fyber Web Graphicss web servers and all information will be up to date and optimized for performance. The Client will then have the ability to refer potential clients to web site to access information as well as make changes to his website when they feels necessary.

This project demands significant involvement by the client. Ultimate success is highly dependent on your effort. To help achieve a smooth and successful implementation, it will be your responsibility to:

1.      Provide and assist with all content pertaining to web pages, modules, layouts, and pictures.  Explanations and descriptions for each content section of a web page must be written out, (preferably in electronic format) in order to insure a clear understanding of what is expected by client and consultant. (Templates can be provided to assist in this process.)
2.      Provide any marketing materials, which will assist in the success of the project. These materials pertain to any media that is written, designed, electronic, or published advertisements.
3.      Provide all information and contacts for venders, merchant accounts, and services that will be needed for communications for business to business operations.
4.      Agree on webpage layouts for each web page is required to make the website user friendly for visitors.
    Once a layout for each web page is accepted this will assist in the design of animations and effects so these designs will appear correctly on the website.
      5.  Complete Fyber Web Graphics’s Web creation strategy with the Graphic artist and Web designer to form a timeline and agree on web project milestones.  A detail timeline will be delivered and signed off on once the Web Creation strategy is completed.

Fyber Web Graphics employs a full time development staff which includes Web Developers, Graphic Artist and Programmers.  Once a contract agreement is signed Fyber Web Graphics uses its formulated strategy for successful Web site projects. The process is just as important as the product and our team develops a timeline with every website. On average a website can be built and designed within 15 to 30 days from the date the contract is signed. In the industry this is called a go live date or target date.  This go live date is listed below above client signature line.

A web site is personal expression of your business and in order for that vision to become a reality; Fyber Web Graphics expects both the client and staff put in ample effort for the web project to be completed on time. A usual reason for a deadline to be missed is because content is not completed. This pertains to pictures, web page layouts, web page content descriptions of each page, and not receiving information in a timely fashion. If these delays are because of Fyber Web Graphics, we will notify the client within a minimum of 3 business days before a deadline. Fyber Web Graphics ask that every client use the same courtesy if they cannot meet a deadline.

During the development process every website is setup on Fyber Web Graphics test servers so staff and client can view the website for input and analysis. This eliminates dissatisfaction and keeps the project moving in the right direction.

There are many different website packages that Fyber Web Graphics has to offer. We feel that by offering many different packages, we give the consumer a large price variation. Our packages run from a few hundred dollars to a few thousand, with payment plans as needed. The following packages are currently being offered.

ü  Basic Package Khs.7,990
Ø  Quick Turn Around Time (Go Live within 2 Days of the signed contract and design layout choice)
Ø  You choice of 1 Custom Layout Design out of 3
Ø  A Complete Content Management System to put you in control
Ø  Content Accessible to multiple editors
Ø  No Web Knowledge needed, general word processing to control your website
Ø  One on One Website Training (1 Hour)
Ø  Contact Page, About Us Page, Home Page, and 2 Extra Information Pages Included
Ø  Kshs.3,000 Monthly Hosting Package

ü  Entry Level Package Kshs.17,900
Ø  Custom Layout Design with a graphic designer
Ø  Complete Content Management System to put you in control
Ø  Content Accessible to an unlimited amount of editors
Ø  Business Blog Included
Ø  Photo Gallery Package Included
Ø  No Web Knowledge Needed
Ø  One on One Website Training (up to 2.5 hours)
Ø  Home Page, Contact Page, About Page, Photo Gallery, E-mail a Friend Module, and 3 Extra Informational Pages Included
Ø  Kshs. 3,000 Monthly Hosting Package

ü  Mid-Level Package Kshs. 35,000
Ø  Custom Layout Design with a Graphic Designer
Ø  Custom Flash Development Header
Ø  Complete Contact Form with Database Retention
Ø  Business Blog Included
Ø  Photo Gallery Included
Ø  Media Section Included for a Video Gallery
Ø  Testimonials Page Included
Ø  Social Media Package Included (Twitter, Facebook, MySpace)
Ø  Basic Search Engine Optimization
Ø  No Web Knowledge Needed
Ø  Complete Content Management with Database Backups Every Night!
Ø  Content Accessible to an unlimited amount of editors
Ø  One on One Onsite Website Training (up to 4 hours) included
Ø  Financing Available!
Ø  Kshs.6,900 Monthly Hosting Package

ü  Business Package Kshs.60,000
Ø  Custom Website Design with a 3D Graphic Artist
Ø  Custom 3D Generation of the company logo
Ø  Complete Content Management System to put the company in control
Ø  Unlimited amount of Content Editors
Ø  Complete Search Engine Optimization
Ø  Included Domain Name
Ø  Website News Section Included
Ø  Custom Flash Development Header
Ø  Complete Contact Form with Database Retention
Ø  Business Blog Included
Ø  Photo Gallery Included
Ø  Media Section Included for a Video Gallery
Ø  Testimonials Page Included
Ø  Social Media Package Included (Twitter, Facebook, MySpace)
Ø  One on One Onsite Website Training (up to 5 hours) included
Ø  Financing Available!
Ø  Kshs.6,900 Monthly Hosting Package
Custom Add-Ons to Customize your Website:
Ø  Kshs.1000 - Annual Domain Registration
Ø  Kshs.1000 - Social Media Package - Includes set up of Facebook and Twitter Page
Ø  Kshs.500 - Website Photo Gallery
Ø  Kshs.100/page - Content Management Services (We add the content for you)
Ø  Kshs.100/page - Copywriting Services
Ø  Kshs.200 Flash Development
Ø  Kshs.400 3D Animation Development
Ø  Kshs.100 Business Card Creation

We appreciate the opportunity to service your business needs. If you want to accept this proposal, please send an email to the desiner, or call 254723505432

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